Monday, February 13, 2012

FCA Night of Champions 2012

45 recieved Christ for the first time and close to 100 re-committed their life to Christ on Friday night at Night of Champions. Where over 1,200 students from all the FCA schools in Orange County came together for the night. Speakers from USC football, Pro Lacrosse, and Pro snow boarder were great influence on the night.
Thank you to all the parents that went out of their way to get kids to Night of Champions. More info can be found here- Pictures should be uploaded soon.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CSUF Gymnast and Youth Pastor speak at El Dorado High

Over 175 kids came out to hear CSUF gymnast Shelly Cooper and Youth Pastor Rich Miller speak at El Dorado High School earlier this week. The kids were influenced and impacted through a shared testimony and a gospel message from the speakers. The students are doing their part to spread the word across campus and encouraging their peers to attend FCA meetings. The parents provided pizza, water and cookies for all the kids. We would like to send out a special thank you to all of the parents for their continued support through donations, assistance and taking the time to make a stand on the campus. 
Please continue to pray for the students and FCA. 

Monday, December 12, 2011

Over 225 Catching Fire at El Dorado High FCA

Monday we had a record number turn out for FCA at EDHS, where the students theme is catch fire. NFL QB Egypt Mckee and Cal State Fullerton Baseball Mike Lorenzen Spoke and gave the message along with two other FCA student leaders. Due completely to prayer and parent support the students on the campus are feeling the love and support. Today the students where given a band with Phil:3:14 and an FCA bible, as well as provided with Physical support, pizza, goods, home made cookies, and prayer that is really making a difference. Please continue to be in prayer for the students and campus as we continue to support them and their needs. Merry Christmas..

Monday, November 14, 2011

MLB Matt Luke at EDHS FCA

Former Almu and CIF Champ Mike Luke spoke at EDHS on Monday and it was a great impact. The students are on fire for FCA and they are really making an impact on their campus. It was just one greater thing that Matt Luke was also taken into the school's hall of fame that Friday also. Thank you the parents that are supporting the kids on this campus. The "Parent Team" and their support is the kids only chance to make it all happen in FCA at EHDS. Some of those parents are seen here with Matt. Please continue to be in prayer.

Monday, October 10, 2011

First Event a Success - 10/10/11

The first outreach was a success as there were roughly over 120 students that attended. The kid's focus was to explain FCA, the new year, as well as, spend some time getting to know one another. Thanks to our "Parent Team" coordinator Karen Eckberg the kids were able to feed their friends free pizza and raffle away free food gift cards. A local youth pastor closed us all in a word of prayer for the new year. Please continue to remain in prayer for the students and campus.

FCA Leadership Meetings Are Rolling- 9/26/11

For the past three weeks FCA leaders at EDHS have been meeting, planning, and praying for the new year. With Oct the 10th being the student's first out reach event of the year will be in the theater as last year, please be in prayer that it gets started off the right way. Its their goal  in creating a place were students are standing, growing, and walking together with a purpose to become champions of life that impact the campus and world for Christ. To see this campus impacted as students catch fire in their daily walk.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Ja Hewitt- Local Pastor Speaks at EDHS FCA - 3/28

Monday the 28th Local Youth Pastor Ja Hewitt came to speak. Ja did an awesome Job at reaching the students as their effort is to reach the lost on this campus and bridge the gap to the local church. Please continue to be in prayer for theses students and this campus. God is moving because of you. A thank you to all that support and pray with us in this journey.

FCA Leadership Bible Study "Catch Fire" Continues- 3/21

Monday the 21st was another great FCA Leadership bible study/devotional within FCA at El dorado high school. FCA Leader Garrett shared a great devotional as the students planned, fellowship, prayed, and grew closer to the Lord. Please continue to be in prayer for that FCA at El dorado high and that God would move through the kids.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#1 High School Basketball Player Shares Coming to Chirst- 3/14

Omondi Amoke was the number one high school prospect in 2008. He is now with CSF and he came to EDHS FCA to share his story of coming to the Lord. Omondi reached many with the way to Jesus Christ. The video is long but it is a must see video. Please Continue to pray that God moves through these kids to reach the campus. For the FCA team of students and parents purpose is to see the campus impacted and it being the bridge to the local church.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

FCA Leadership Bible Study- "Catch Fire"- 3/7

Leadership is a time of fellowship, planning bible studies, and heart inventories. Monday Lauren Allie shared her heart about how much she was affected and what god showed her on a mission trip overseas. Please continue to be in prayer for FCA and the kids efforts to reachout on campus.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Many Come to Christ- Amazing Baseball Brothers Story- 2/28

Sean (Washington Nationals) and Colin Rooney (Pepperdine) gave a life touching talk to over 140+ FCA students Monday the 28th. They opened up about their journey playing baseball and growing a personal relationship with God. From wanting to quit, to playing like they have nothing to lose, Sean and Colin continued to rely on God for everything. They, unfortunately, lost their father and brother in a private plane crash two years ago. Their story was gripping and inspirational. Their impact and influence was surely felt as the boys asked the group to receive Christ! Please continue to take some time and pray for the kids, FCA, and this campus. Thank you to the FCA "Parent team" for through you God is moving to impact the campus.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Annual OC FCA "Night of Champions"- 2011

1200 kids attended approx. 200 parents
1020 burgers given out in 2 hours/70 different schools represented/Over 100 volunteers
130 kids made a decision to follow Christ! amen

FCA Leadership- 2/14

Update- 1,200 Students came to FCA’s annual “Night of Champions,” 130 kids saved- More pictures can be found here-
Monday was another great leadership, as Garret lead a time of prayer and Jacob England give the bible study for the week. Our theme is “Catch Fire”. Please continue to pray that these kids catch fire in their life to see God move in a powerful way. A special thank you to the team parents that are praying and providing with their resources. God is moving.
Reminder: FCA “Parent team” meeting Tuesday the 22nd in room 701 at 7pm at EDHS. Please invite anyone in your network of friends that may be interested in FCA at EDHS.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Former NFL QB/ Author/ TV owner speaks

Today at EDHS FCA Former NFL QB/author/ TV show host and owner, Egypt Mckee came to speak.
With 150+ in attendance today, it was a great time of influence, fellowship, outreach, and growing in the lord.

God, I pray that you move in these kids lives and they draw closer to you each day. To beat the world and impact it for you.
Let’s all continue to be in prayer for these kids. They need us!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Night Of Champions- *Coming 2/11/11*

FCA "Night of Champions" will be Friday Feb 11th at Mariners Church from 6-10pm and its all free. (*Parents are welcome and encouraged to come. There will be a section just for you up top*). Guest speakers include many pro and collegiate athletes with free food from In & Out Burger. We expect over 1,000 FCA students from within over 60 Orange County School FCA's. Main speaker will be USC's Matt Barkley. More info coming soon. You can also find more info at

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why Doubt- 1/24

Local youth pastor Ja Hewitt spoke at FCA Monday. It was a great to see all the kids pour in for fellowship, growth in their walk, and to reach out on campus. God, please move through FCA to keep the kids close to you. Through you we know greatness awaits them and its only through you. Please join us in prayer.
A special thank you to all that supported todays event.

FCA night of champions will be Feb 11th at Mariners Church. Guest speakers include many pro and collegiate athletes. We expect over 1,000 FCA students from within over 60 Orange County School FCA's. Main speaker will be USC's Matt Barkley. More info coming soon. You can also find more info at

Monday, December 13, 2010

Top Gun Pilot/ World Champ Lacrosse Speaks

Monday at El Dorado High former Top Gun pilot/ World Champion Lacrosse player Glenn Miles spoke. He shared all his accomplishments and how he came to the Lord. Buzz Dixon supplied $300 worth of balance band bracelets to be raffled off, and the Maki's as well had other items raffled off. The kids were able to have free food and drinks thanks to parent support.
Thank you to all that are praying and supporting the kids here in FCA to stand together and make a difference at EDHS.
Let's Continue to pray that God will have his hand upon them and move in their life and on this campus.
In Him,

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cal State Fullerton Athletes speak

Monday Mike Lorenzen (Baseball) and Abbi Maraldi (Volleyball) spoke at the FCA event outreach.
Abbi shared her heart explaing no matter if you are an athlete or not, whether you play in college or not, that our mission is to honor and glorify God with in everything we do.
Mike talked about his coming to Lord as a junior in high school as he turned from alcohol and drugs. He explained his choice of turning down over a million dollars to come to Cal State Fullerton and him leading a player on his team to the lord.
It was awesome, as Mike and Abbi both did an excellent job of being an example and influence of Christ to these students.

A continued thank you to all the parents that make all this happen. Through your prayer God is moving.
Lets all continue to pray that God will have his hand upon these students, this school, and move through FCA.
In him,

Monday, November 29, 2010

Leadership Meeting- 11/29

Today the 45+ leaders met today for our last leadership meeting of the 2010. This week twins Maddie and Megan Hill lead the heart inventory. They shared about letting go to God and not worrying. They did so through God's word and their own personal stories. It is good to see them show one of the steps of becoming a disciple of God, which  is letting go to surrendering to him your all. Awesome. You can find that video here-

The kids have planned for the week of 12/6 and 12/13 to have another outreach. Lets all continue to pray for the kids, their school, and that God moves through FCA to impact lives.
In him,

Monday, November 15, 2010

Nov 15th Event/ Outreach

This week the students of  El Dorado had a youth pastor come in and share with their peers the importance of church. He invited the students to all the local churches that their friends go to. It sure is cool to watch these students reach their peers on campus. Thank you to all the parents that supplied their prayer, time, and resources, as there were 140+ students in attendance for free pizza, waters, and a free raffle. Your support for the kids is enabling God to move. We must keep praying for them!
In him,

Monday, November 8, 2010

Leadership Meeting

It is a pleasure to assist you and seeing these kids step to the plate. This week the 30+ leaders of FCA met to plan there next event. It was a time of prayer and fellowship. At each leadership meeting a student shares or gives a heart inventory for the other leaders. This week Senior wrestling team caption, Jacob, shared his heart. He challenged and encouraged the FCA team to reach others, walk close to the lord, and impact this campus. Please Continue to pray that God will move in them and through them on this campus.
In Him,

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

El Dorado Second Event

El Dorado high school FCA had their second event/huddle Monday. This week Egypt McKee- Former NFL QB/ now TV show host/ Author- came to inspire and challenge the students to take comfort in just who God made them to be. With another 100+ in attendance, some cool things are happening. The students effort is to create a place where Christan's can stand together, grow, and reach out to the school and their friends to share the word of God. Keep Praying!
In Him,Brad

Monday, November 1, 2010

El Dorado High First Event

Last year FCA at El Dorado was consistent, as God moved in many ways. Moving forward this year, the leadership is growing and developing, as they look to impact the campus in 2010-11 school year. This week the studnets gathered for the first event/huddle. There was roughly 125 students there as they prayed for each other and the year here at El Dorado. The kids were feed free food and drinks thanks to the support of parents. The kids finished with playing some games, as they had a chance to get some laughs in and get know each other. Our next Event is Nov. 1st and we would love to have any of you parents there. Keep praying for the school and FCA.
In him,