Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Cal State Fullerton Athletes speak

Monday Mike Lorenzen (Baseball) and Abbi Maraldi (Volleyball) spoke at the FCA event outreach.
Abbi shared her heart explaing no matter if you are an athlete or not, whether you play in college or not, that our mission is to honor and glorify God with in everything we do.
Mike talked about his coming to Lord as a junior in high school as he turned from alcohol and drugs. He explained his choice of turning down over a million dollars to come to Cal State Fullerton and him leading a player on his team to the lord.
It was awesome, as Mike and Abbi both did an excellent job of being an example and influence of Christ to these students.

A continued thank you to all the parents that make all this happen. Through your prayer God is moving.
Lets all continue to pray that God will have his hand upon these students, this school, and move through FCA.
In him,

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